August 29th, 2024
On the 26th of August, my Aice Media Studies teacher assigned us a Camera Shots Quiz where we needed to make our own story using 15 shots. We'd need to use the types of Camera shots we'd learned during class. We were given 10 shots assigned using specific camera shot types and the other 5 however types we wanted.
Me and my partner created a script and made a story about the main character an eraser, named Eraser Head who'd go toe to toe in a boss fight with a glue stick. It is supposed to show their epic battle and the fall of our main character Eraser's head.
I personally believe we did a good job of being able to convey the story with beginner-level experience. There are definitely things we can improve in future projects like being able to get better shots, via better camera placement or idea of how we should go on about expressing the emotions and seriousness of the story. Either way, with the level that we're at, I'm still proud of how our project came out. I like how we're able to convey how one of the characters is more fired up, using anger to fight (eraser head) as the boss (glue stick) in the story was more relaxed, menacing, and ready to fight. My favorite scene of the project had to be the over-the-shoulder shot, which shows the emotion on the face of eraser head as the glue stick had menacingly appeared behind him. What I want to improve is the way me and my partner can create establishing shots. Our establishing shot did what was needed, showing the area where the battlefield would take place, but I feel we could've done more like adding a background to make it seem more interesting. It was a pretty bland shot and didn't do much besides fill in space for the shots. Still, I believe as I get through this class, I'll progressively get better at making these shots in my projects.