Thursday, September 26, 2024

One Word Film Project

 One Word Film Project:

  • In this project, you and your pair needed to create a short film of 1- 1 1/2 minutes. The film would need to represent whatever word our teacher had assigned us. 

  • The word given to my pair was "threatening" so our entire approach to this project was to make a short film about a battle between the main character and a boss. In the end, the main character didn't
    know the boss would be so "threatening" making him afraid through the entire battle.
  • The brainstorming helped a lot with our idea of setting a draft for what we would do for this project
  • The storyboard we made helped us make a visual example of how we would film this and the expectations for our project.
  • I used Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 on my laptop to be able to edit sounds, transitions, and audio transitions. 
  • My partner had trouble editing on his computer so the teacher permitted him to edit on his phone via the app Premiere Rush.

  • I enjoyed making my project, I believe we were able to have good shots for beginners and were able to show a clear representation of our ideas. Although an overall overview is that I feel with more practice in taking shots and creating more creative ideas, we could've 100% made this project more visually appealing. We had to add more shots last second, because in the first 15 shots we'd made we hadn't realized that it wouldn't have amounted to a full minute. In the end, I'm proud of what I did as a beginner, but know I can improve.
  •  OWF_Vasquez

Aice Media Studies (CCR 2# preparation)

 Now the 2nd CCR Question!! Last week we were assigned to prepare our CCR 1 questions and responses, planning how to do it. Now it's tim...