Thursday, March 13, 2025

Aice Media Studies (CCR 2# preparation)

 Now the 2nd CCR Question!!

Last week we were assigned to prepare our CCR 1 questions and responses, planning how to do it. Now it's time to talk about CCR 2!!!

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

  • Overall Idea:
For the overall idea, since this question takes place in the same video as question 1 the plan for the story stated in CCR 1 preparation will be the same story for CCR 2. I'll try my best to smoothly transition the video in an understandable way for CCR 2.

  • How to answer the question:
                    - Target Audience: 
        I want my product to engage with audiences that truly love the horror aspects of films, I want the audiences to fully feel in-depth and immersed in the story, and I want the product to create a sense of terror that gets the thrill of your heart pounding. I want to engage audiences with darker, and low-lighting visuals which would drive audiences to be interested in the visuals. I want to use audio like sharp tones, mixed with muffled and terrifying screeches, followed by background sounds of the setting and environment to entertain and pull audiences to the story present in the opening. I want the audience to connect with the characters as well as understand their fears and struggles with the acting and events. I also want to engage those who love watching psychological thrillers as the intensity of the film increases while watching the father plunge into more and more darkness and terror until the very end when the son witnesses the traumatic event of watching his father's death.

                    -Distribution as a real media text:
        For distribution, me and my group would focus on trying multiple media platforms in order to get the name of the film out there. We'll create strong presences on social media, having accounts spanning all of their more popular social media like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc... We would share teasers, trailers, and behind-the-scenes and engage with fans on different occasions. We would try to host live events like screenings and live videos. We could try collaborations or partnerships with popular influencers, and horror-themed channels that could be found on platforms like YouTube. We could even attempt other forms of trying to get our product out there with uses like radio shows and even podcasts, interviews with the director and actors, trying to make some types of fun entertainment. In a realistic sense, over time, while our product gains more and more we could try licensing our products to official sponsors for our film, as well as trying to license it onto popular streaming software and platforms such as Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, Apple TV+, etc...

This is how I'd want to engage target audiences, while also explaining how we could realistically distribute our film.


Monday, March 10, 2025

Aice Media Studies (Group Meetings 2#)

 Group Meeting Number 2!!

On the Monday of this week, the 10th of March, 2025, our teacher had split the class into groups, separating us with our project groups in order to communicate with our the classmates.

Class Group Members: 

  • Kailen
  • Gaby
  • Anabella
  • Aneesh
  • Adil


    While talking about our projects, I was able to get critics on my project, understanding the quality of my shots and my project so far. I was able to hear good comments on the quality of the fake blood me and my project group had made, as well as getting the confirmation to that other eyes, the blog was actually viewable, and comprehendible that the action is occurring. This made me happy now knowing that the shots I made with the intention of highlighting the darker atmospheres mixed in with the low-key lighting were actually visible. I reexplained my entire opening, story, and idea behind the movie. One of my prouder moments was showing my storyboard, helping them understand more the context of the story, as well as getting feedbacked. I was specifically able to ask questions about their editing software, getting responses like Imovie, Capcut, and also the same one I'm using, Adobe Premiere Pro. We were able to address issues within our projects in which we all faced and were either able to get past or are still struggling.


Gaby: One of her actors had flaked on her and didn't appear for her filming last second, she had to rewrite her script.

  • She told us that this greatly set her back, struggling and needing to fill that hole, then resulting on needing to cut back an entire character

Anabella: She had to borrow an entire dog for her project. The dog wouldn't cooperate that well for her project so she still need to spend hours trying to keep he dog controlled and kept. 

  • This causes problems since the dog isn't always listening, it causes their shots to constantly fail, needing them to spend longer on taking the shots, even leading to them 

Kailen: When she first started acting she only had one available actor, making it harder for her to film this projects and had accidentally not filmed it correctly, needing to refilm the project entirely.

Aneesh- He's already filmed but is struggling to correctly convey his story the way he wants, we were able to give him some tips during our meetings in order to let him know what times were best for filming the type of atmospheres he wants.  

  • The bad thing is, after we helped him, he'd explained to us his story about a stalker based off a video game, but since one of the rules is we can't do stalker-related prompts, he has to try and change his plot WITH only 2 weeks remaining in the class.

Adil- It's been hard for him and his partner to find available times in order to continue filming their project, making it kind of hard to film on specific days.

Aice Media Studies (CCR 2# preparation)

 Now the 2nd CCR Question!! Last week we were assigned to prepare our CCR 1 questions and responses, planning how to do it. Now it's tim...