Friday, February 21, 2025

Aice Media Portfolio (Audio)

What am I going to do about the audio? 

Music - 

For the music aspect of the blog postings, I really don't understand how to "describe" horror music, but I want to use more low-pitched sound audios and songs to really enforce the idea of suspense and rising tension throughout the scenes. I'm kinda struggling to find out how and where I'll find actual good and professional audio. I have checked out the websites that my teacher provided for the audio, but none of them actually "call" out to me. I really want to succeed in this idea that I have where I'll have the audio rising, getting stronger and stronger in order to build up a lot of suspense, but just end it abruptly. Like for example, in the scene where I plan to make it like the couple believes they're safe after hiding in a room, I'll cut the music to make it feel like the suspense has finished and stopped, but then introduce it even stronger when the mother gets yanked down. For the main thing, at the time being (I stopped writing for like 30 minutes to continue searching for audio) I still haven't picked a song or music, but! I have been taking a liking to one of the websites my teacher provided called "Pixabay." This website proves like literally THOUSANDS of no-copyright audios that are easily downloadable, and (I believe) free!

Sound Effects -

For the sound effects, I was really thinking of using Foley techniques to make more of the more gruesome sounds throughout the film. For example, I want to individually make the sounds of the munching to match the speed, tempo, and vibe of what's happening on the scene. A lot of audios that I have tried are either too loud or some are like they're munching on something else or they don't fit with the atmosphere of the scene. I want to personally create the foley sounds for the stepping so that my opening actually realistically follows the weight of the steps, the type of show, and the distance of the audience from the steps. (what I mean by this is like the space between the feet to the camera) I also plan to make the sound effects for when the "knife" hits the floor after the dad drops it by imitating it with actual blocks as if the wood was knocking onto the flooring. I also really want to make the sound effects for the blood splatter and how it hits the walls. There's actually a lot of things that I know I'll be making audio for as I go. 
I was going through YouTube for foley tips and I found this video on a popular foley artist for PlayStation themselves and her overall explanation on how she made these audios and how she got into them. 


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