Time to show off the set design!
Where it'll take place:
- Alright, to start off, the filming will take place in the house of one of our group members, Nicholas Mazone.
- We plan to film this throughout the nighttime to apply the darker visual effects I mentioned in my previous blog posts.
- The filming will take place on the upper floor of the house, using the staircase to get up to this level as well as 2 of the 4 rooms on this second floor. As I've mentioned I plan to use these rooms as hiding places for both the zombies and the humans to play out the horrific events I want to portray in this film.
- We've taken photos of different areas in the house that we plan to use for the film process.
The locations:
- This is the hallway we plan to use for the film.
- This hallway is a crucial point of the film as it is where most of the fear in the film-inducing scenes will be shown in the film.
- This hallway will show scenes like the zombie appearing, the father's last run to the room, as well as the father getting munched on.
- This is the closet where at the very end of the film the son will appear.
- We chose the closet would be a great way to hide the son while he witnesses the entire event of his parent's death.
- We wanted to make sure he would have a spot where he could witness this to ensure the traumatic event for his development as a character.
- This staircase is also an important part of the set as it truly starts off the film by showing the zombie walking up it from the pov of the father at the very end of the hallway.
- Although this image isn't focused on in the film, I did previously mention in the summary how this window plays a part in the storyline as this was a planned escape route that they wanted to use with their son to escape their house.
These are some of the places in the set that are mainly focused on throughout the majority of the film, assisting in some of the components shown.
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