Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Aice Media Studies (summary)

 Alright here's the summary of my plot.


  • Using the psychological thriller/ horror genre, I developed a plot that I actually enjoyed and integrated into a film opening. I convinced my group about the story's overall structure. 
  • I love zombie movies, watching the struggles of humanity and how many get together In groups to try and combat hordes, the changes in the world, and issues with distribution, teamwork, group affairs, etc...
  • Although I love watching this, many zombie movies also highlight the idea of changes in people's mental stability, the changes in societal structures, and modern living vanishing, as if the savagery in people were coming out with these drastic changes to the world.
  • The movie "Apocolypse Z" is a great zombie movie (a really new one at that too), expressing the beginnings of a man's adventures through the apocalypse as he tries to get in contact with his sister and her family. In the movie, there were instances where he could partner with people to benefit each other, while there were examples of people's ruthlessness, enslaving, and capturing others for beneficial reasons, this shows how knowing the worlds revolving to chaos nothing is holding them back. 


  • Alright, for the plot I'm making it revolve around a protagonist in his high 20s, venturing throughout the remains of the world, trying to find any civilizations. This would signal that the man himself was born already into the apocalypse, not briefly what "modernistic" living would be like as this type of living would die out throughout the newer generation. He goes throughout his life trying to imitate memories of "this life" while exploring the world. The story itself would take place 50 years into the apocalypse already. The apocalypse itself began in 2025, meaning this would be set around the time of 2055.
  • Unlike Apocolypse Z, the reason I chose the story to be so already far into the events of an apocalypse is because I find it somewhat unrealistic that in only 10-15 years modern ways of living through the use of societal structure could diminish as most people throughout these times of the apocalypse had experienced the old versions of living. 
  • My main focus throughout the film is to truly highlight the idea that over time throughout this desperate era, people lose their sanity, resorting to wild-like living, resorting to savagery to get a proper meal. People wouldn't be held back by social norms, any restrictions, taking, killing, fighting, and endless struggles. While the main protagonist tries to survive and make friends in this world, the brutal reminder that not even zombies are the biggest threat in this world, it's "humans" comes to show throughout this film. This is my biggest focus, this is what I would want to show if this were an entirely planned out, processed, filmed, and edited movie. 

Plot of the opening:

  • The setting would take place inside a house in the middle of an early establishment held by other people with rations, food, water, etc... 
  • The problem is that the opening takes place when a horde of zombies has actually broken down the hand-made walls, entering the facility and leading everyone to panic. This wouldn't be shown throughout the opening but would be interpreted due to the voice lines I intend to add, as well as the sound effects of an alarm that would alert the people in the establishment. 
  • The opening focuses on two characters which would be revealed near the end of the opening to be both the father and mother of the main protagonist. The main protagonist however wouldn't be shown till the very end of the opening as I wanted to create mystery on who the story truly revolved around and catch the audience off guard. (you'll see why)
  • Their main focus is to get to this room at the very end of this hallway throughout the opening since they already have an escape plan waiting at the window of this room. 
  • They'd climbed in through the back of the window of the room parallel to this room since their main doorway to the house was blocked. The father would be holding this bloody knife he'd used to fight while outside of his house. (This is to add context to the reason why he holds a whole-bloodied knife at the beginning of the opening)
  • While they snuck out of the room, a dark leg appeared at the end of the dark hallway, instantly causing them to run into the room to their right. The zombie walked past the door, while the father watched from the creek of the doors opening. 
  • The father would think they're in the clear, with the idea of closing the door behind the zombie and making a run for the room at the end of this hallway, verbally expressing to his wife that they're in the clear.
  • This is when the horror aspect of the movie begins. Right from behind her a dark pair of hands would rope around her face, immediately dragging her to the floor. It's assumed that the zombie made it into the room and was hidden in the same way they did, through a window.
  • The scene would be gruesome, showing the father trying his hardest to pull his wife out from the grip of the zombie's clutches, while the sound of screaming and munching echoed through the room to the halls. The dad would indeed give up, trembling in fear as he ran out the room behind the room, closing the door on his wife. A pool of blood would then flow from under the door.
  • The husband would be panting while leaning on the hallway wall in pure terror of what'd just happened. Unbeknownst to him, he's faced towards the room the first zombie had run into, the room he climbed into a window from. He'd forgotten to lock the door, while all that sound was made. Hearing clicking noises, the arm of the zombie would appear gripping the side of the door. Without a second hesitation, the husband would run, while looking behind him, making a last-ditch effort for the room at the end of the hallway. Unlucky to him though, the zombie manages to grip onto his leg, making him fall right in front of the goal. The camera would shift towards the dark, void-like, emptiness of the hallway, while the only things you can hear are screams of pure agony and the sound of munching. 
  • Blood would slowly just move through the opening of the doorsteps, now angling the camera next to the pool of blood towards a closet in this room with the slightest creek. The camera would zoom into the closet, slowly yet surely, and in the end, would highlight an extreme close-up of the eyeball of somebody, who would be revealed as the main character, the son who'd heard, and witnessed this all, adding trauma to this characters development.

I really, like REALLY enjoyed creating this plot, and coming up with an enjoyable yet actual achievable way to express the genre, making it about a topic I really enjoy watching. I was able to greatly assist my team, helping toward the overall development of the plot, opening, and storyboard. 

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