Friday, March 7, 2025

Aice Media Studies (Post-Production 2#)

 The next day, another Post-Production!

With the next post-production post, instead of talking about the editing techniques, I'll actually be talking about the editing tools I plan to use.

  • Adobe Premiere Pro 2025: 
This is an editing software which has been recommended by my teacher. I've used this same software on many past projects, like my music video project, as well as my sound project, and one-word film. Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing software application, accessible through the Adobe Creative Cloud set GUI of applications or can be downloaded individually. 

                - What can it do: Adobe Premiere Pro can be used for the editing of all common videos, allowing for the production of high-quality filming. This can be used in importing videos, audio, and graphics, as well as offering a way to create newer, edited versions of videos that can be exported to mediums and formats necessary for distribution. With the use of this software, various videos and images can be edited together, allowing for titles to be added to videos, as well as filters and other effects like transitions. 

Smith, C. (2024, May 24). What is premiere pro. Training and Classes at American Graphics Institute.,Mac%20OS%20or%20Windows%20computers. 

  • Our process so far: 
So far we're at a decent pace, we're more than halfway through filming and I've been incorporating the scene into Adobe Premiere Pro, testing out transitions, and seeing the lengths and what needs to be edited and changed throughout the film. I'm editing right now and not when we have everything filmed so that I'm not overworked and piled with scenes in need of editing. 

Currently, as of this moment, I haven't added any sound yet. I'm still looking around various websites and apps to find the sound effects I want to use. One of my group members already volunteered to want to create the foley sounds, Nic. As mentioned in one of my earlier blog postings, I'm still very fond of the website  "Pixabay." Another soundboard that I'm actually very used to is "Soundboard Tuna" This is paired with a free downloadable voice mod app. I've used this in the past for gaming and the utilization of comedic sounds. Although it's free and I like using it, it's VERY limited. It has over 150,000 different sounds that are posted by users, but it still becomes a struggle when you're trying to look for that one specific sound. 

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